domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Canciones que te atrapan///Parte2/////// Apollo-Gize/

Llamadme pesado por poner a los mismos
Yo lo llamo reafirmación

Why should I worry 'bout a story that has just begun?

It seems like I am sorry for a song that I have sung

My head is kind of oversized 'cause I just have fun

No space is left for the rest of what is going on

It's such a situation in where you're stuck in your own time

We call it obligation to admit that we are fine

Just tell your destination that you're gonna be delayed

You have to build your own excuse for what is being played

Me quedo con la frase Just tell your destination that you're gonna be delayed

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Espero que lo leas Jose,jejjee. Te paso un superenlace para que todos los que leais los comentarios.

Bueno,pues ponte a bailar que tu lo haces fenomenal.....

Chet Casey dijo...

Temón, me sonaba un webo la canción, pero no sabia de quien era. Como siempre: tomo nota.